
sealed class JmsMessage



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class Bytes(value: ByteArray, val correlationId: String? = null, val replyTo: JmsDestination? = null, val deliveryMode: DeliveryMode = DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, val properties: Map<String, JmsPrimitive<*>> = emptyMap()) : JmsMessage
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class Map(value: Map<String, JmsPrimitive<*>>, val correlationId: String? = null, val replyTo: JmsDestination? = null, val deliveryMode: DeliveryMode = DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, val properties: Map<String, JmsPrimitive<*>> = emptyMap()) : JmsMessage
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class Object(value: Serializable, val correlationId: String? = null, val replyTo: JmsDestination? = null, val deliveryMode: DeliveryMode = DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, val properties: Map<String, JmsPrimitive<*>> = emptyMap()) : JmsMessage
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class Text(value: String, val correlationId: String? = null, val replyTo: JmsDestination? = null, val deliveryMode: DeliveryMode = DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, val properties: Map<String, JmsPrimitive<*>> = emptyMap()) : JmsMessage


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val correlationId: String? = null
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val replyTo: JmsDestination? = null