
data class PullRequest(val id: Long, val number: Int, val title: String, val body: String?, val state: String, val htmlUrl: String, val createdAt: String, val updatedAt: String, val closedAt: String?, val mergedAt: String?, val user: PullRequest.User, val assignee: PullRequest.User?, val assignees: List<PullRequest.User>, val requestedReviewers: List<PullRequest.User>, val head: PullRequest.Branch, val base: PullRequest.Branch)


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constructor(id: Long, number: Int, title: String, body: String?, state: String, htmlUrl: String, createdAt: String, updatedAt: String, closedAt: String?, mergedAt: String?, user: PullRequest.User, assignee: PullRequest.User?, assignees: List<PullRequest.User>, requestedReviewers: List<PullRequest.User>, head: PullRequest.Branch, base: PullRequest.Branch)


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data class Branch(val label: String, val ref: String, val sha: String)
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data class User(val login: String, val id: Long, val avatarUrl: String)


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val body: String?
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val id: Long
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val number: Int
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