
class Jdbc(connectionPoolSize: Int = 10, connectionFactory: () -> Connection)


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constructor(connectionPoolSize: Int = 10, connectionFactory: () -> Connection)


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object Companion


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fun <T> Jdbc.batchUpdate(sql: String, upstream: Flow<T>, concurrency: Int = 1, groupStrategy: GroupStrategy = TimeWindow(100, 250.milliseconds), prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.(T) -> Unit = {}): Flow<Int>

Executes a batch update for the given SQL statement using the provided upstream Flow as input. The batch update is performed in chunks, as specified by the groupStrategy parameter, and can be executed concurrently using the specified concurrency level.

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suspend fun close()
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fun Jdbc.query(sql: String, fetchSize: Int = 100, prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<Row>

Executes a query for the given SQL statement using the provided fetchSize as a result set fetch size.

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fun Jdbc.singleUpdate(sql: String, prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<Int>

Executes a single SQL update using a JDBC connection.

fun <T> Jdbc.singleUpdate(sql: String, upstream: Flow<T>, concurrency: Int = 1, prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.(T) -> Unit = {}): Flow<Int>

Executes a single SQL update using a JDBC connection for each item in the upstream flow.

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inline fun <T : Any> Jdbc.typedQuery(sql: String, fetchSize: Int = 100): Flow<T>
inline fun <T : Any> Jdbc.typedQuery(sql: String, fetchSize: Int = 100, crossinline prepare: suspend PreparedStatement.() -> Unit): Flow<T>

Executes a typed query for the given SQL statement using the provided fetchSize as a result set fetch size. The resulting Flow emits objects of type T, which must have a primary constructor and whose parameters are matched with the columns of the result set.